Preserving Your Energy: The Importance of Clearing Your Energy Field as a Sensitive Person, Therapist or Energy Worker

As a sensitive person, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the emotions and energy of others, whether it’s at work, social gatherings, or other daily interactions. As a therapist or energy worker, our work is deeply rewarding, but it can also be emotionally and energetically taxing. We take on the emotions and energy of our clients, and this can lead to feelings of exhaustion, burnout, and even physical discomfort. It’s crucial for sensitive people, including therapists and energy workers, to have tools for clearing their energy to preserve their well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of clearing your energy and provide tips on how to sign off from the day, clear after each client, return energy, and cleanse your energy and auric field and space.

Tools for Clearing Your Energy:

  1. Signing Off: Create a ritual or routine to help you transition from work to personal time. This might involve meditation, deep breathing, journalling or simply sitting in silence to reflect on the day. This will help you release any emotions or energy that you may have absorbed from your clients and help you shift your focus from work to your personal life. Grounding exercises such as movement or breathwork can also help bring your energy down to earth and release any tension or stress as well as bringing your power back.
  2. Returning the Energy: Visualize cutting cords that connect you to other people, situations, or emotions that no longer serve you. Consciously ask for your power to return or physical movements like shaking out your hands or taking a walk can also help release any absorbed negative energy and return our own energy. Washing your hands and going to the bathroom signify a fresh beginning and can spiritually assist in washing your hands free and clear your body of any toxins from the previous client.
  3. Cleanse the Space and your Auric Field: After you have returned any energy that you may have absorbed, it is important to cleanse your energy and auric field and space. This involves removing any residual energy or emotions that may be lingering in your energy field. Smudging with sage or palo santo, soaking in a salt bath (ocean swimming), and using essential oils can help remove residual energy or emotions from your energy field.
  4. Choose Wisely: Know that powerlessness is a major identifier of energy loss, so choose wisely who, where, and how you spend your time. Journaling can also help connect you to your divine friend who knows every aspect of you intimately.
  5. Work with the Light: Only work with the true divine light by asking three times when your intuition activates. Nature can also heal a tired and sore heart and soul, so get out there and connect with it.

Incorporating tools such as grounding, cord cutting, smudging, salt baths, and essential oils into your self-care routine is an essential component of maintaining your energy and well-being as a sensitive person, whether you are a therapist, energy worker, or simply someone who needs to recharge after social gatherings or other interactions. By clearing and refreshing your energy field on a regular basis, you can prevent burnout, maintain healthy boundaries, and preserve your well-being. Remember, taking care of your energy is not a one-time practice, but rather a regular part of your self-care routine. By doing so, you can create a safe and supportive space for your personal and professional life.