5 Factors Influencing Human Behaviour and Values

What affects our human behaviour and who we are?

Human behaviour and patterns are shaped by a variety of factors. Some of these factors are external and some are internal. The psychological perspective looks at how these factors interact and influence behaviour. And with subtle awareness of our beliefs and values we can identify triggers, which would assist us in managing our behaviours and reactions, and consequently positively affecting our quality of life and relationships. When we alter our beliefs and thoughts, our actions and behaviours will follow. This can be done through mindfulness activities. However, where do our values and beliefs form from? In this blog post, I explore five major influences on human behaviour and patterns, including the environment, genetics, culture, social learning, and personal experiences.

  1. Environment
    The environment refers to the physical, social, and cultural conditions that surround us. The physical environment includes things like weather, climate, terrain, and the built environment. The social environment includes the people and social structures that we interact with, such as family, friends, and organizations. The cultural environment refers to the beliefs, values, and customs of a particular group or society. All of these factors can influence behavior and patterns. For example, growing up in an environment with high levels of pollution may lead to health problems and a higher risk of certain diseases. Similarly, growing up in a violent neighborhood may lead to more aggressive behavior.
  2. Genetics
    Genetics also plays a significant role in shaping behavior and patterns. Many traits and behaviors are inherited through genes. For example, some people may be more prone to certain mental health conditions or personality traits due to their genetic makeup. However, genetics alone cannot determine behavior. Genes interact with the environment and with other genes to influence behavior. For example, a person with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism may not develop the condition if they never drink alcohol.
  3. Culture
    Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and customs of a particular group or society. Culture influences behavior in many ways, including shaping social norms and expectations. For example, in some cultures, it is considered rude to interrupt someone who is speaking. In other cultures, interrupting is seen as a sign of engagement and interest. Cultural differences can also shape beliefs about things like mental health and treatment. For example, in some cultures, seeking help for mental health problems is stigmatized.
  4. Social learning
    Social learning refers to the process by which people learn from others. This can include observing and imitating behavior, receiving feedback, and modeling. Social learning can occur through formal channels, such as education, or through informal channels, such as family and peers. Social learning can shape behavior in many ways, from teaching people basic skills like language to shaping attitudes and beliefs. For example, if a child sees their parents arguing and yelling at each other, they may learn that this is an acceptable way to communicate.
  5. Personal experiences
    Finally, personal experiences also play a role in shaping behavior and patterns. Experiences can include things like traumatic events, positive or negative relationships, and life transitions. Personal experiences can shape attitudes and beliefs and influence how people react to future situations. For example, someone who has experienced a traumatic event may be more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder or be more cautious and vigilant in future situations.

Human behavior and patterns are shaped by a complex interplay of factors. The environment, genetics, culture, social learning, and personal experiences all play a role in shaping behavior. Understanding these influences can help us better understand why people behave the way they do and how to promote positive behaviors and patterns. By taking a holistic approach, we can better understand the complex nature of human behavior and patterns.

Self inquire further into what values and needs affect your behaviour and learn where these came from by practicing awareness and reflection activities such as theme building, or talking to a therapist. To see how Caris Pepper can support you and your deepening relationship with yourself please don’t hesitate to contact and book a life changing appointment.